
It’s A Survival Super Food That Has Been Around For Thousands Of Years

how to make pemmican


The Steps For Making Pemmican

1. Dry the meat.

Cut off all the fat, and then slice the meat as thinly as possible before placing it on a drying rack in full sunlight. Another option is to place the meat directly on your oven rack with the oven temperature at its lowest setting. The meat needs to be dry enough that it cracks when you try to bend it. Adding salt will extend the shelf life.

2. Grind or crush the meat.

Now you need to grind the meat until it is powder form.

3. Render the fat.

Now heat the fat in a crockpot, in the oven or on the stove. Use a low setting for several hours.  Then pour it through a mesh strainer to filter out any pieces.

4. Add Dried Extras

Mix the meat with any dry extras, such as nuts, raisins, dried cherries or cranberries. Note: These extras reduce the shelf life.

5. Add the fat.

Next, add one part of fat per every two parts of the dried meat mixture.

6. Add any wet extras.

If you are adding wet ingredients such as honey, maple syrup or peanut butter, mix them in now.

7. Form the pemmican.

A popular method is to spread the mixture into a casserole dish. Let it get firm before cutting it into squares or forming into balls.

8. Store the pemmican.

Place it into airtight containers and store them in a cool, dark and dry place.

For more detail check out the original article.

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  1. Kay James said:

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