Here Is A Gardening Trick You Want Want To Miss
This sphere off plants is a real novelty and it looks great.
Its easy to maintain and anyone can make one of these.
This first method of making succulent balls uses a fairly standard method of gardening of planting the whole succulent plant into a dirt filled ball. In the second video you'll see a different method.
There is another method to getting a great looking succulent ball.
In this next video a moss ball is used as the medium to allow the roots to grow into. Also interesting is that only cuttings are use – not the whole plant with roots attached.
Tip for making false stems on your succulents from Cindy at The Succulent Perch! When wiring and taping to add your false stem you will want to make sure not to cover up all the stem where the leaf nodes are- that is where the roots will develop. Using tape, too high up on the stem, may cover up the leaf nodes. You can also just use a firm wire, like an 18 gauge, insert it into the succulents stem and then into the sphere…no tape needed! The 18 gauge will be stiff enough to insert the succulent!
For more info on supplies and online plant ordering check out the video description of the second video.
The featured image was captured from the second video.