
It’s A Survival Super Food That Has Been Around For Thousands Of Years

how to make pemmican


Here is How To Make Pemmican – A Survival Super Food That Has Been Known To Last Up To 50 Years

The aboriginal Indians in North America used to make this all the time so that they could get through the times when food was scarce.

The word pemmican is derived from the Cree Word pimi which means fat or grease.

The Native American Indians used to make pemmican out of the meats of buffalo. deer, elk or moose, but beef could also be used today.

So what is pemmican?

It's a concentrated mix of dried meat protein and fat.

The trick is to properly render the fat from the meat and then it can be stored in air tight containers for years or decades, depending on the mix.

Here are the steps for making pemmican:


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  1. Kay James said:

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