
Top 5 Electric Wiring Mistakes

too many wires for the box

Mistake # 4   Installing A Cable Without A Clamp

Mistake: Missing clamp – Cable that's not secured can strain the connections.

In metal boxes, the sharp edges can cut the insulation on the wires.

Single plastic boxes do not require internal cable clamps, but the cable must be stapled within 8 in. of the box.

Larger plastic boxes are required to have built-in cable clamps and the cable must be stapled within 12 in. of the box.

Cables must be connected to metal boxes with an approved cable clamp.


missing box clampAdd a box clamp


Solution: Install a clamp – Make sure the sheathing on the cable is trapped under the clamp, and that about 1/4 in. of sheathing is visible inside the box.

Some metal boxes have built-in cable clamps.

If the box you’re using doesn't include clamps, buy clamps separately and install them when you add the cable to the box.


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