
How To Get Your Camp Fire To Last All Night

camp fire that lasts all night

We're talking Here About A No Maintenance Fire So You Can Get Some Sleep

This fire lay (or a variation) was a traditional fire used in the Scandinavian countries of Finland, Norway and Sweden. It was and is used as an all night fire lay for traditional type camping while using open front shelters. It is known there as “Rakovalkea” or “Nying”. In English it would be known as possibly “gap fire” or “long fire”.

Watch te video and see how it is done.


But For Cooking Give The Swedish Fire Torch A Try

Go To Pg. 2 




  1. E.b. George said:

    when I go camping, I start my campfire and just follow it along, it sometimes, depending on the wind speed, takes a couple of miles to cook my bacon!


