
Apple Cider Vinegar – It’s Uses In A Survival Situation

apple cider vinigar uses


Vinegar Has A Wide Range Of Uses – Here Are The Top 7

When  looking at our survival stash, few of us think to include apple cider vinegar with our essential items.

And don’t feel bad if you fall into this category. Until reading this, I didn’t either.

When we were children the thought of vinegar didn’t exactly conjure up pleasant feelings.

It was smelly and tasted gross. Plain and simple.

But as we grew older we began to see there were alternate purposes.

Mom would clean the coffee maker with vinegar and Dad used it in the backyard to kill weeds.

Apparently there are some other “survival friendly” uses for this stuff other than the above.


On the next page you will find 7  Survivalist Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar!


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