
The Tangle Free Way To Wrap Up An Extension Cord Or Rope

How To Roll Up An Extension Cord

It's A Pleasure To Unroll Your Cords In The Morning When They Are Rolled Up Right At The End Of The Work Day

You can always tell when you've got a new rookie on your job site because your cords turn into a tangled pile of spaghetti until you get them trained to roll up cords and ropes the right way.

This video is going to show you an excellent way to roll up your cords. I first came across this method when I became a glider pilot. Our tow ropes were 150 feet long and you had to make darned sure you didn't get any knots in them because that would weaken them. With the tow ropes we would tie the two ends together then double the rope up again and do the daisy chain with 4 plies of rope. It works every time – no knots.

So watch the video and see exactly how it's done for extension cords:


Then There's The Way Ron Does IT!





  1. Bob said:

    I’ve been doing this for years it is a great way of doing it BUT if you fold your cord in half (or half again if it’s a 100 footer) start your “braid/weave” with the looped end so when you undo your cord you place the loop over a nail in the wall, ball hitch of your truck or anything else you can hook a loop onto and walk away leaving you with the male and female ends in your hands.

  2. Bob David Pereira said:

    It’s better to start at the other end (fold in half then start at loop end) then you place the loop around your ball hitch or anything else it will hook onto, then walk away. Once it’s UN braided you’ll be left with the ends of the cord in your hands.

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