
Survival Food With An Over 50 Year Shelf Life

Hardtack the survival food with a shelf life


Hardtack – The World's First Survival Food

“Hardtack (or hard tack) is a simple type of cracker or biscuit, made from flour, water, and sometimes salt.

Inexpensive and long-lasting, it was and is used for sustenance in the absence of perishable foods, commonly during long sea voyages and military campaigns.

The name derives from the British sailor slang for food, “tack.”

It is known by other names such as pilot bread, ship's biscuit, , sea biscuit, cabin bread, sea bread (as rations for sailors) or pejoratively “dog biscuits”, “tooth dullers”, “sheet iron”, “worm castles”, or “molar breakers”.

Watch the video and see just how easy it is to make.




