
How To Replace A Dead Bolt Lock

change a deadbolt lock

Locks Wear Out And Sometimes Keys Need To Be Changed

So here is what you need to know about deadbolt locks.

There are different deadbolt functions or types.

  • The most common is one with a keyed cylinder outside and a thumb turn inside. This works well on a solid door where no one on the outside can get there hand inside and turn the thumb turn.
  • If you have glass in the door or a sidelight window you probable want a keyed cylinder on each side of the door, just in case someone breaks the window and reaches in to unlock the lock.
  • There are some specialty deadbolts with a cylinder on one side and nothing on the other side ( a storage room might have one of these) or a thumb turn on the inside and nothing on the outside (common on store fronts where that door is not the door that people leave and lock up by.
  • Combination dead bolt are also available, And card access locks as well (common in hotels)

There are also different qualities of dead bolts. From the inexpensive house hold ones to the high quality commercial ones.

The key cylinders in the locks can have different keyways or you can use high security keys.

That's more detail than you probably wanted to know.

Watch the video to change a basic deadbolt at your house.



